एखादी गोष्ट ऐकल्यावर असे वाटते की ’आइला... सहीच’ हे तर मला माहीतच नव्हते. कधी कधी स्वत:लाच काही शोध लागतात आणि वाटते की इतरांनाही या गोष्टी कळल्या तर किती बरे होईल. हा ब्लॉग त्याचसाठी!

It is pretty difficult to translate the title. It is a slang exclaimation meaning wow. Sometimes we find some things really surprising. That Eureka feeling is hard to supress for the little professor in our minds. This blog is an expression of that little professor.

Monday, July 23, 2007

How many people visited my website?

Sometimes, I wonder if people visit my website at all. The "look, what I have done"- feeling is common to every art, and even science, I guess. One who writes wants others to read it, one who composes a piece of music wants others to listen to it, one who discovers something publishes it. A creation is nothing if it is not appreciated. Internet is a very effective tool to publish one's work. (A good prelude for a SSC English paper ends here :D)

Let me come to the point. While surfing on the web, I found the sitemeter on one of the good marathi blogs (मी अनु). This meter may be technically very simple (for the techies) but is very useful. It tells you who's logged on, which sites they came from, where on earth they are located, how many times is the page visited in last so many days/hours etc. And its free! Its pretty amazing.

Disclaimer - I am, by no means, an expert in this field. Use it at your risk. Happy counting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Google Analytics rocks! You can use this one too.